Laupäev/ Saturday, 22.02.2025
*Ajakava/ Schedule *Programm/ Program *Täis kataloog/ Full catalogue |
NB! Parkimine spordihalli ümbruses on tasuta, kuid spordihalli parklas on piiratud arv parkimiskohti. Võimaluse korral palume parkida auto põiktänavatesse või Valga haigla parklasse, et vältida spordihalli parkla ummistumist.
NB! Parking around the sports hall is for free, but the parking lot has a limited amount of parking spots. If possible, please park your car at the cross-streets or the Valga hospital parking lot, so that the sports hall's parking lot would not be obstruct.
NB! Parking around the sports hall is for free, but the parking lot has a limited amount of parking spots. If possible, please park your car at the cross-streets or the Valga hospital parking lot, so that the sports hall's parking lot would not be obstruct.